Tenby Giltar Loop

Photo © East Jordeston

Excellent views of Tenby and Caldey Island from Giltar Point​

Start your walk at Tenby South Beach Car Park and walk along the beach towards Penally. When you reach the headland, climb the path and head out towards Giltar Point.

Walk back down the path to the beach and cut through Tenby Golf Course as shown on the map below. This path will take you to Penally Station where you’ll join the road and turn right.

Turn off the road onto a dirt track and follow until you cross the railway line, then turn left onto a footpath which skirts the golf course.

Follow this path until you pass Tenby Golf Club, then take a right immediately before the hill. Pass a few houses on your left then take a right into Tenby South Beach Car Park and follow the road back to where you started.

Tenby Giltar Loop

Click the button to view this route at plotaroute.com

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